Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Redbird logo debacle of 2005

Alright so we all know the Director of Technology screwed up.

But does anyone remember the 2005 debacle with the Redbird mascot logo?

De Pere received a cease-and-desist order on the grounds that its mascot was copyrighted material of Illinois State University.  The school eventually redesigned the logo so as to not violate the copyright.

Shortly after the De Pere athletic director started in the late 90's he modernized the Redbird.  When really he should have know the ramifications of that action.

Monday, January 19, 2015

State spending on outside service contracts still rises

Somewhat interesting commentary in the January 19 2015 Press Gazette column by Bill Lueders.

Each year state law requires the Wisconsin Department of Administration to track outsourced tasks spending by state funded agencies.   Municipal workers have long argued that they could be doing many of these jobs for less.

The latest report shows spending on outside services is up for the fourth straight year. This has happened despite the Act 10 benefit changes under Gov. Scott Walker that arguably make state workers more cost-effective, compared to the private sector.
Bill Franks points out “During a time of alleged austerity, the administration continues to spend taxpayers’ money like an inebriated sailor.” 
It should have been obvious all along that the Administration is the ones making the the dumb decisions.  But of course rather than deal confront the people responsible for the actions made, Walker and everyone these days seems to opt for the blanket approach.

I see this very scenario all the time, where virtually everything gets farmed out.  I have a very hard time with this.   Sometimes I try and think there are rational reasons like liability insurance concerns or something.  Other times I think it is a posh De Pere thing.

I am a big Do It Yourself (DIY) type.  It is likely due to how I was raised, with not a lot of money. 

So may I suggest if you want to save money, when you go go to screen candidates for administrative employment potions, ask if they are hands on.  Ask if they cut their own lawn.  Ask if they know how to check their oil.  If they are thrifty in their personal life, they are probably going to be able to save your company money.

Or you can continue to hire a guy in a suite who probably hasn't the first clue how to save money.