Sunday, July 30, 2017

Phony school board member

The phony school board member that I wasted my time reaching out to back in September 2015, apparently cheated on his wife when she was at work, and was caught by his own daughter. 

Goes to show you can't trust a phony person.  I never would have guessed the phony stems that far though.

I'll take the truth any day over some professional line of crap where they tell you what they think you want to hear.   When I talk to someone I expect meaningful communications, not a much of hocus pocus.

At least he got caught. Karma I guess.

In other news I am thinking of renaming this blog.  The existing name reflects the union themed issues we once had:

DPESP Mission Statement: - To create an atmosphere of mistrust and tension.

I am leaning towards:
De Pere - Small district with big district dysfunctionality.