Monday, September 12, 2011

Teachers Union answers questions about dues

DPEA United 0911

I agree with this. It's a shame our local president (Janice) couldn't provide an answer this good at last years meeting. Instead she resorted to scare-tactics that were not well accepted my the membership present.

"If you feel you are better off without a union..."

Since support staff in De Pere are some of the lowest paid positions in relationship to adjacent districts, a union makes sense.

But from the battles I have had, and everything I have seen... I like unions, just not this one (WEAC).

Thursday, September 8, 2011

PAC Rebates

Rebate Available for Political Action Committee Contributions

A PAC contribution of $5 (full-time) has been added to your Bay Lakes United Educators dues for 2011-2012. The BLUE Board of Directors utilizes these funds to make contributions to: 1) The political campaigns of candidates for local or state office who have been recommended by our members for election because they are friends of education, and 2) committees that advocate for passage of school referenda. Any member wishing a rebate of the contribution must request such in writing by October 31, 2011.

Each request must be a separate letter including your name, address and local association name. All requests must be postmarked by October 31, 2011. A request is valid only for the year of that request. Rebates are normally issued by February or March.

For a refund of your Bay Lakes United Educators PAC contribution, write to: BLUEPAC, 1136 North Military Avenue, Green Bay, WI 54303. Telephone requests, multiple requests in the same letter, letters postmarked after October 31, email requests, and letters missing any of the required information (name, address and local association) will not be honored. They will be discarded. Fair share non-members do not need to request a refund. An automatic refund will be issued to all fair share fee-payers as soon as that person’s fair share status has
been certified.

At the state WEAC level, there is $10 for PAC that can be requested back. Write to: WEAC President, P.O. Box 8003, Madison, WI 53708-8003

Needless to say, I don't believe in giving money to politicians on either side of the political spectrum.

I'm a firm believer in Campaign reform. I don't want one penny of my money funding those political mud flinging ads. Think publicly funded campaigning. This guy has the right idea:
GREEN BAY — What we need in this country is an overhaul of the election process. We need to get back to the issues and get money out of the election process.

First, I propose to make it illegal for business and corporations to donate to a candidate. Why? Because people working hard to make their money may not be for the candidate they are donating to. So in a sense they are forcing their employees to donate for a candidate they don’t want.

Second, a business can only donate to a general election fund that is divided equally between all candidates.

Third, private individuals can only donate $1,000 per election to a candidate. That will eliminate millionaires from buying their candidate. It will make for more equal terms.

Fourth, all candidates will be limited to the same amount of money to spend in their election. Money will be given to each candidate out of the general election fund to bring all on equal terms. We don’t need big money buying elections and candidates. This will make the candidates talk about the issues, and not flood the airways with garbage ads that do nothing but drive the rest of us nuts.

Stephen Francies

Monday, September 5, 2011

Dues Are Going Down?

Dues For 2011-12

Dues For 2010-11

I intercepted this Blue Memo.

If you do the math, it works out to $24.94 per check for 2011-12. At the end of last school year our dues were $28.38 per check.

There seems to be some discrepancies here. We've been told that only $15 dollars (per year) of each members dues stays in our local treasury.

At a meeting early last year members inquired after dues went up slightly on how the dues increase process works.

It was explained that delegates from each local attend an annual representative assembly (RA) meeting as a voice for each local on such issues.

Ironically who attended from our local is never reported, nor is any information on what topics were part of the agenda. Under inquiry, President Janice said Sue and Kelly L***** typically go, but that it is open for anyone to attend if they express the desire.

Here is an interesting section from the Constitution of the De Pere Educational Support Personnel Assocation. Keep in mind that we recently all went though the bylaws so that we'd hopefully have a better understanding of how we are supposed to be operating.


The delegates to the WEAC or the NEA Representative Assembly shall be elected by secret ballot. Association officers whose duties include serving as delegated to Representative Assemblies or other official business meetings of organizations with which the Association is affiliated shall be as specified in the Constitution.

To the best of my knowledge for the last decade we have not even elected RA delegates.