Since that time, HVAC systems mostly run themselves. You no longer light pilot lights or that sort of thing. Now-a- days they are retrofitted with pressure relief valves, cut off switches and the like all tied to a computer that basically runs the thing.
After the boiler was running, the janitor would go around the school with a big ring of keys and unlock all the doors in anticipation of the incoming teachers and students about to start their day.
This too has changed. Most buildings have access control systems, with computer controlled timers that unlock outside doors.
The daytime custodian would fix chairs and student desks re-weld and braze them to stretch their lives. In the summer they would strip and re-wax floors.
Many of the other periodic up-keep duties like cleaning out the boiler, re-keying doors are now farmed out to various outside services. Some for obvious liability reasons.
Over the years the evening school activities has increased dramatically. Schools have added on, and increased their size. Prior a part time staff of a couple housekeepers was all that was needed.
Now virtually ever night of the week there is some sort of evening activity. Local colleges rent space for remote classes, YMCA and Scouting groups hold meetings, and with those additions was a multi-court gymnasium that sees constant use.
The evening custodians are setting up for these events, tearing down, and working around and with these groups.