Sunday, July 5, 2020

Teach Personal responsibility!

Former Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee nails the problem in relation who what going on right now"
"It's not the police who need to be retrained, it's the public. We have grown into a mouthy, mobile phone wielding, vulgar, uncivil society with no personal responsibility and the attitude of 'it's the other person's fault', 'you owe me'. A society where children grow up with no boundaries or knowledge or concern for civil society and personal responsibility."

Monday, April 13, 2020

Covid funny business

Aka, things that piss me off Vol 2020... or why there should be an ethics policy at De Pere.

I just noticed that our shift differential went away.  Honestly I wondered about this since it appeared they were giving us the option to work first or second shift since the schools are closed.

The language that covers this:
Shift Differential: The parties agree to establish a night shift differential of .40 per hour for second shift, and an additioial $.20 per hour for third shift (total shift differential of .60 per hour for third shift). The differential will not be included in the total package costing. On second shift, an employee is eligible for the shift differential if 75% of his/her regularly scheduled work hours occur after 4:00 p.m. On third shift, an employee is eligible for the shift differential if 75% of his/her regularly scheduled work hours occur after 11 :00 p.m. Shift differential is only available during the school year, except for those High School employees who return to second and/or third shift pursuant to Article X (13).

I am actually not sure if this language made it into the stripped down support staff handbook, but that isn't what bothers me as the district pretty much always did whatever it wanted even when we were "paying for representation".

What bothers me is the underlying questionable integrity of the districts actions or lack thereof.

In this case specifically there were a number of memos, and not one single person/memo had the decency to convey that we would be loosing that shift differential.  News flash, take home pay is the number one reason anyone works, so knowledge of changes to it is very important!

Other inconsistencies that bug me are that there are a few persons in higher rank positions that are taking off for extended periods of time.  The normal protocol is when someone is off for more that 5 consecutive days, the district is supposed to assign their job and pay rate temporarily to someone else.  That clearly hasn't happened.

Then there is this business that some people are "essential" and have to report to work, while others can "work from home" (and I question how aides are doing this, etc)

All staff are being paid whether they are at their buildings working or staying at home.  None are collecting unemployment.   If the schools don't pay all employees they lose their federal funding.

For example: CESA put the school aids back on payroll

So some people are getting paid and are not even working. But we are expected to work for less pay. Nice double standard.  Paying us with our normal differential is budgeted, so where is that money going now?

So take all that into account, and you should arrive at the same conclusion that I have where you are questioning the integrity of the district.  I have felt its been poor based on a number of things over the years, but this makes it shine.

Since these issues of character pretty much fall on the shoulder of the actions or lack thereof of the district's superintendent, lets review his background:

Feb 7, 2003
By Kevin O'Brien, Ashland Daily Press

A former employee in the payroll department of the Ashland School District has filed a wrongful discharge suit against the district, claiming that she was forced to quit her job when she uncovered wrong-doing in the district's payroll.

Belinda Miller was fired as a payroll benefits specialist in 1994, and during her work at the district, she allegedly discovered at least one legal discrepancy in the payroll and also found that several employees were not being paid for all the hours they worked.

Miller claims that she told then-superintendent Benjamin Villarruel and the business manager Bonnie Stegmann that full-time custodian John Lavassuer was incorrectly classified as an "independent contractor" for his work cleaning offices, which he did separately from his full-time duties. 

Miller said Villarruel and Stegmann knew that is was an intentional mistake designed to defraud taxing authorities, but they refused to correct the incorrect classification. 

In addition, Miller said she called their attention to several errors in the payroll which deprived non exempt employees of regular and overtime pay, as well as accrued compensatory time. Villarruel and Stegmann ignored Miller's complaints, according to the lawsuit, and retaliated against her accusations by isolating her work station from other workers, not allowing her to attend seminars, and by sabotaging her work by denying her timely access to payroll information.

Miller brought her accusations to the Ashland School Board at its meeting on Dec. 13, 2001, but according to the lawsuit, the members refused to take her side or protect her if the tax code violations did exist.

According to the suit, Miller's working conditions became "so intolerable she was compelled to resign" as a payroll specialist on Dec. 21, 2001, effective Feb. 13, 2002.

As part of her lawsuit, Miller is asking to be reassigned to her position, and is seeking reimbursement in past and future earnings, as well as court costs and compensatory damages for mental and emotional distress.

The school-district has up to 45 days to respond to the lawsuit, which was filed at the Ashland County Courthouse on Feb. 3. 

Ashland School District Superintendent Ken Kasinski said he could not comment on the lawsuit.

Aside from that well know debacle that hit the press about the time he came to the De Pere district, we also know this from the June 13 1990 Kenosha News:
Benjamin Villarruel, presently director of student services for the Cudahy School district and the Racine Handicapped Childrens's Education Board for the Waterford and Burlington School Districts, has been named assistant principal at Washington....

Villarruel holds master's degrees in social work from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and in religious education from Mt. St. Alphonsus in New York.  He currently is enrolled in a doctoral program in urban education, with an emphasis on administrative leadership and supervision....
He is originally from Detroit, perhaps I should look there.

Should I go on to the next person I was also less than impressed with. (professional job hopper with extensive civil circuit court activity)? 

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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Changing the system

When a system is so dysfunctional that it no longer proactively addresses its own issues in a timely manner..... whats a person to do?

In a perfect world the so called leaders would be thrown out.

And while I am re-posting memes, here is another point that is right on, and relevant to this excessive bird bucks bologna.