Sunday, May 8, 2011

All De Pere Admins got a raise

It light of all the cut backs and wages freezes, co-workers and the public has been wondering how the De Pere administrators wages have been impacted.

After a bit more digging. It seems not every admin in Green Bay and got the same percent increase. Which is interesting... some principals got 1.07%, others 1.96%.. a couple didn't get a raise at all from 2010 to 2011 for whatever reason.  I guess they give raises to their non-union admins based on merit.

Howard Suamico is the same, one principal got a 3.03% raise, another admin there got a 2.62% raise.

Ashwaubenon Superintendent 1.96%, Green Bay Superintendent 1.07%, Denmark Superintendent 2.84%, Howard Suamico 2.70%.

I have to say that actually makes sense as admin are not union members, and I don't see why every admin in De Pere got 3.1% for 2011.

In all fairness the School Board Minutes indicate admins raise was approved by the board June 12, 2010. (Before the Walker Act 10 announcement)
"A Motion was made by Paque and seconded by Growt to approve compensation for administrative and non-represented personnel for the 2010-2011 school year as presented and attached to these minutes. Motion carried on a voice vote; all ayes."
And for 2012 they received a 1.5% raise. This was approved by the school board June 20, 2011.
"A Motion was made by Paque and seconded by Growt to approve a salary increase of 1.5% for members of the administrative and non-represented staff, as presented. Motion carried; all ayes."
This is the problematic one. In March all other staff agreed to a two year wage freeze, and had to accept the stipulations of Act 10, involving increased deductions for health insurance and retirement.
For the 2012-13 school year DPI data shows no raise for administrators. Pressure from the unrest created by taking one last year undoubtedly has something to do with this. The real question and test of honesty will be if they take one next year. So far administration has only froze their wage for one year, while everyone else took two. From the Nov, 18 2013 Mins:
A motion was made by Meneau and seconded by Matzke to approve a 2.36% salary increase for administrators, supervisors and exempt staff for the 2013-2014 school year.

So everyone except the highest paid people (admin) had a two year wage freeze, while they skated away with one measly year.

That is kind of a slap in the face by administration and the board to just months later approve a modest raise for themselves to help offset the new deductions, and not extend that offer to everyone else. Some fine leadership!

To look at the raw WI DPI data, go here:

Keep in mind, De Pere WI is the only city to have two school districts. Why that is not being brought up in this climate of taxpayer scrutiny is beyond me.

The August 1, 2013 Green Bay Press Gazette, has an article titled, "School administrator raises outpace teachers."

Teacher salaries rose slightly across Wisconsin’s public schools last year, but they paled in comparison to pay bumps for several top administrators, a Gannett Wisconsin Media review of state Department of Public Instruction data shows.

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