What Does the Union Do for Me
So lets rewind shall we?
November 2010 was the last union meeting. By February a metric-shit-storm erupts at that state capitol over the governors proposed plan.
The superintendent make his rounds to each building to field questions and concerns about the changes being enacted into law in Madison. (Feb 17-25) In many cases there was no support staff union officer presence.
At the time, the superintendent said De Pere was mostly likely exempt from the 12% health requirement as we do not participate in the state plan. (or something to this effect)
Friday March 4th, we heard rumors that the superintendent was checking with his lawyers about possibly extending our contract as well as the teachers.
Tuesday, March 8th union members were presented with a tentative agreement. It’s my belief that since there were no revisions showing the 12% clause that many members were making misinformed decisions on their vote.
The support staff health insurance / fringe benefits in Appendix B of their contract use the language “the District will contribute.... on the same basis and amount that is contributes for the full-time professional staff.”
Members may have made misinformed votes. As there was no meeting prior or real explanation on this impromptu vote March 8th. It was reported (March 11th) that our voting results were: 115 yes, 6 no, and 13 abstaining. And that the school board ratified the agreement at a special meeting (March 10th).
Then May rolls around, and staff cuts and layoffs are announced. Keep in mind most members were probably under the false assumption that if they agreed to the contract extension provisions that their jobs would be safe.
The issue I have, as well as probably others is the lack of communication. While I don't agree with Walker, I can say the same about how this was handled.
While some may feel it was or is immaterial as the contract vote would have passed either way (as historically they always do, and realizing this was a take it or leave it offer), again this issue is members have the right to be informed. And the first and foremost function of the union should be to inform them and answer their questions.
Then finally a general membership meeting on June 4th.
It's explained that after our contract expires, (and assuming that the governors bill sticks) that in order to maintain a certified bargaining unit the membership will have to vote each year to keep the bargaining unit. This requires 51% of the total membership will have to vote in favor under the bill.
The "what does my union do for me" handout is in front of everyone. Someone asks the UniServ rep "how many grievances have been processed from start to resolution in recent years?"
What might not be obvious to the union officers is that the handout is a hypothetical list of services. It will probably very difficult yo maintain the union as is. As the more members take cuts, the people look for the value of their dollar.
The local doesn't have a good track record. There were 32 members present for the June meeting out of 100 some.
It's human nature to recall the bad over the good. I'd be willing to bet that a majority of members who have approached a union officer on an issue haven't received an answer that made them feel glad they were paying dues. Most have reported phone calls not returned, and other standoffish attitudes.
Yet the president is on cloud-nine apparently:
"The reason why so many people don't attend meetings is because they are fine with the way things are and don't want to give up their time."
It couldn't possibly be that they have been beat into submission and have given up on the union.
The summary here is there is 2 years to "show us" what the union does. And get in touch with the membership, and erase that unapproachable attitude that many officers have.
Again, people have a natural tenancy to remember the bad over the good about things in general in life. This is why it is of the utmost importance to always try and make a good impression and put your best face forward.
What I remember about this union is that you have to call, call again, send certified letters, and email WEAC in Madison just to have local meetings and treasury disclosure.
They seem dead against any type of social gathering or networking. As a union roster has been requested a few times.... so tell us to "stay strong" or put your money where you mouth is.
Rebuilding trust is paramount... and remember that the dues paying members are the reason there is a union.
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