Tuesday, October 18, 2011

10/15 Meeting

Many members had hoped to see major improvements in the way officers conduct themselves and the meetings in light of the Walker situation.

Instead we learned that the meeting only happened due to members repeated request, instead of on it's own.

Early in the meeting president, Janice comments that the only members that show up to the meeting are pissed off. (Doesn't that tell you something?)

Former treasurer Smits, gives Rita, the new treasurer a hard time about not having conference spending summaries at hand. (That's calling the kettle black, Sue. You didn't save receipts.)

Basically the same old tricks. It seems, all these officers know how to do is get defensive at their own members. How does this help foster unity?

Once again lacking was a report of association business since the last meeting. Such as;
-Conference attended over the summer, by which officers and what were the topics at hand.
-Building issues brought forward.... number of times the executive committee met, etc.

So officers feel unappreciated for their hard work. Perhaps you guys need to tell use what you have done on our behalf since the last meeting. This is defined as a report on new business.

Let members know what you are doing so they feel like they are getting something for their money.

Based on what we see at meetings on the officers who we elected to represent us, we look like a bunch of buffoons. I wonder if these officers conduct themselves the same way in front of district at negotiations?

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