In April, the WEAC RA passed a new business item regarding the Union Forward Committee's work and outreach with the membership. Outreach forums were held in 10 cities throughout the state in August. In addition to these forums, the Committee created an online survey to gather input.
You may provide input to guide the future of our union by responding to this survey. The survey will be accessible through the month of August.
WEAC is planning a special RA in December to review the recommended plan(s) based on the feedback from the August regional meetings and the survey responses.
The information regarding this opportunity for members to offer input via the survey will be shared with local presidents. Please feel free to share this information with your colleagues.
Union Forward
1. Name
2. My role is
My role is Higher Ed Faculty
Higher Ed ESP/PSRP
PK-12 Teacher
Union Professional Staff
Union Associate Staff
Student Member
Retired Member
3. I am currently a dues-paying member of WEAC
4. Home Email Address
5. Home or Cell Phone Number
6. Age
Age Under 25
Over 55
7. How long have you been working in public education?
Less than 5 years
5 to 9 years
10 to 14 years
15 to 19 years
20 to 24 years
25 or more years
8. Do you hold an elected or voluntary leadership role in the state organization or in your UniServ or local association?
9. How would you rate your knowledge and familiarity with our union?
+I am very familiar with the decisions and actions of our union.
+I am somewhat familiar with decisions and actions of our union.
+I have a vague understanding of the decisions and actions of our union.
+I really don't pay attention to our union's decisions and actions.
Following are five areas the Union Forward Committee identified as core areas of union work for the future. Please react to each of the five areas as the degree to which you believe this should be an essential focus of the union. In each area, if you have specific ideas related to how this work can be done, please add them. You can provide additional comments about other areas you would like the committee to consider at the end.
10. We must be one with the community through leadership development and involvement in all levels of the union and the broader community.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Comments or Specific Ideas
11. We must direct and strengthen our union around a defined set of values connected to social justice and grassroots activism.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Comments or Specific Ideas
12. We must create community support and engage in advocacy for public education through political action and public relations.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Comments or Specific Ideas
13. We must be the vehicle that advances the profession, empowering all educational entities to strive for collaboration and high professional standards.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Comments or Specific Ideas
14. We must work to achieve quality wages, benefits and working conditions for all members.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Comments or Specific Ideas
15. Is there another core focus area you believe should be considered? Please comment:
16. Please tell us which of the core areas of work is most important to you (choose only 2):
+We must be one with the community through leadership development and involvement in all levels of the union and the broader community.
+We must direct and strengthen our union around a defined set of values connected to social justice and grassroots activism.
+We must create community support and engage in advocacy for public education through political action and public relations.
+We must be the vehicle that advances the profession, empowering all educational entities to strive for collaboration and high professional standards.
+We must work to achieve quality wages, benefits, and working conditions for all members.
17. Related to the core areas, what requests, concerns or ideas do you want this committee to consider?
18. Can we call you to clarify some of your comments and ask you to share more perspective?
Phone Number