Thursday, September 21, 2017

Fire alarm and VM

A couple days ago there was an extended fire alarm at Foxview.  This is another thing that could have been avoided if someone was on the ball.  Basically there is a room above the auditorium that still has some moisture/humidity issues.  And that excessive moisture caused the smoke detector in that room to freak out.

If you recall back in 2011 when I was stupid enough to care about my job, I attempted to try and do something about the water penetration problem in the building.  Since then, there was a referendum that addressed the roof and building tuck pointing.  Anyway I still say; do not close the door to that auditorium room, air needs to flow. Cut a hole in the door and install a louvered vent like all the other classrooms.  To date this has still feel on deaf ears.  Whatever.

Another asinine thing is with technology this year.  Basically what I get out of it is they don't apparently test things in a sandbox environment before doing a widespread roll out.  So they went to update some of their virtual machine software, and that has been causing wide spread network disruption since.  Classic case of too many eggs in one basket in my opinion.

On a more positive note, this summer the water heater project finally got finished.  Last school year they removed and cut up the junk one, and it sat just like you see it for the longest time.  To bad there were three sources of energy (water pressure, gas and electric) that were not locked out during that time. 

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