Schools have an excessive amount of this, and that sort of thing is not preparing kids for the real world.
The real world also has prick bosses and co-workers, and you need to know how to deal with that sort of thing. Being brought up in bubble isn't helping that. You won't always get your way in life.
Does law enforcement that pull people over just to commend you on your driving? I think not.
Over rewarding expected behaviors is fueling a whole subset of problems. Namely entitled (narcissist) kids.
And while I'd like to believe older generations (like the ones preaching with this junk) should know better, their actions show differently;
Administration has the most pronounced inability to handle any criticism. And coaches and the like always have that sense of entitlement.
De Pere is very cliquey, so its not suprising the adminsations "functions" mostly as good old boys club.
To understand the cliquey part, consider the fact that a lot of affluent people have relocated over the years to De Pere.