Wednesday, January 27, 2021

OT chats

 B**** tractor is broke, so no snow OT, so he comes in early to scrub the commons


Not yet

>It will come to that for sure

I see the same with S***... She had no art club, when there was no school, so she was staying late (for what?)

>How the hell do they get away with it!!!

Maybe I should ask that

>R** & P** don't care how much overtime Bill gets.

That's apparent.  But remember that talk of time clocks?  Obviously at a higher level they see how it affects the budget

Typical blanket approach, rather than dealing directly with the few that need a talking to

>Nah, nobody cares about the budget.  The clocks were nothing more than trying to do something that was a deterrent.  Obviously it didn't work.

>Plus...Ron & Andy really do believe that B*** & S**** are that busy that they need that much OT

I dunno other than for those who see the timesheet to let that continue are just as bad as Bill, Sara and who knows who else at other buildings

>I suspect there are many.  B**** is the only other person seeing time sheets and he doesn't say a word.  He just does his job & goes home.

>Everybody needs to start doing it to make an impact.  Then people will start taking notice.

I am pretty sure in each department someone is supposed to be reviewing them and signing them before Bruce enters them.

>Yes...R** or P** who don't care, Andy who also doesn't care.  Then onto B****

And A**** in S**** case, much the same doesn't care.  God damn it's a great day to be a red bird!

>That's right.  But people would start to take notice if more people started doing OT.  That's your only way to get your point across

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